Artwork gallery

This gallery gives a preview of my artwork, divided into sections dedicated to watercolor, acrylic painting and custom orders. Please reach out if you are curious to hear more about the pieces themselves or the materials used for their creation.

Custom orders showcase a mixed media variety and each piece is unique. 

Paintings in this section were created using watercolor on dense, watercolor paper. Their size is small (around A5) as they were done on location in my sketchbook. 

Each piece is unique, sometimes the watercolor splashes are controlled by lines created using ink, sometimes they are left to wander around the paper more freely. The pieces represent scenes that caught my eye in the surrounding scenery.


Paintings in this section are done using acrylic paints on cotton canvas or thick, canvas-textured paper. All of them are one of a kind, with varying levels of paint texture on them. 

The paintings are highly inspired by the danish coast, interprested and expressed with pinks, purples and blues.

The pieces are available for sale.